This page shows you Previews of what OUR CARD (Appendix D) and MAH JONGG TILE SET (Appendix E) look like. (Be patient, it sometimes takes a while for the Previews to appear.) The DOWNLOAD BUTTON is positioned under each Preview. Tips for cutting out the card and tiles are below.
MJ-Tile-Set-for-WebsiteDownload Now
OUR CARD and the MAH JONGG TILE SET are designed to be directly cut out from the book to help you understand chapters and exercises more clearly. However, you may prefer to leave the volume intact and use the pdfs here on this website to print them out on your home printer.*
Whatever method you use, we’ve designed everything to get you to start playing Mah Jongg ASAP!
— You’ll need scissors, or an optional hobby knife (shown above) with a straightedge ruler, plus adhesive tape.
— Cut on all dotted lines s-l-o-w-l-y.
— For OUR CARD follow the directions on it, using the tape. If you decide to print out OUR CARD as a pdf, press “PRINT BOTH SIDES” or “TWO-SIDED” on your printer .
— If you cut out tiles from the book, remove each page first. (You might want to glue each cut-out page onto to a heavier stock of paper. A small bottle of rubber cement with applicator brush is best. Follow instructions on bottle.)
— For tiles, don’t cut out each tile individually. We suggest cutting the page into strips and then cutting the rows.
When you’re done, you’ll have OUR CARD and a 152 MAH JONGG TILE SET for practice play!
*You can also:
—Put pdfs on a thumb drive and take to your printer and print them out there on heavy stock. Or, take whole book to your printer and scan it there.
We did the following just for fun, to say we did it, on the day the book was released.